One of the most common things that I see asked about in readings and also crystal requests is money. In this economy, so many of us are hurting. The following article will offer some law of attraction and crystal tips to help you bring more prosperity into your life. I have also included a Reiki healing video at the end of the article to help enhance your prosperous intentions.
Prosperity and Abundance Crystals:
You can keep these crystals with you in your purse/wallet, cash drawer of your business, or in the Wealth corner of your house, which is the farthest left corner from your front door.
My top favorite crystal for bringing in wealth and abundance is Citrine. It is known as the Merchant’s Stone. I personally have Citrine, Green Aventurine, and Tiger’s Eye in my Wealth corner plus a small Citrine in my purse. I add the Green Aventurine and Tiger’s Eye as they both can boost prosperity but also they are good luck stones.
Recommended Prosperity Crystals — Citrine, Moss Agate, Ruby, or Jade. Recommended Good Luck Crystals — Tiger’s Eye, Green Aventurine, Jade, or Sunstone.
Prosperity Checks:
This is a simple tip and it works based on the Law of Attraction.
• When to do it: Every New Moon. • Where to keep it: In your wallet/purse or in the Wealth corner of your home. (See photos and info below.) • How to make the check: You can use a check from your checkbook or even an old account that you no longer use. You can print out a check, which I have created one for you. Or you can draw your own. • What to do with the previous month’s check: You can either burn the check or bury it. This releases that energy back into the Universe. You don’t want to just throw away or shred the old abundance check. That’s like throwing away money!
Prosperity/Wealth Corner of Your House:
I receive more questions about how to figure out where the wealth corner of the house is than anything else in this article. This section of the article has been added to hopefully help answer all of those questions.
• Which door and which level: The door you consider to be the front door (primary entrance door) is your front door. Even if it is a side door, if it is your main entrance, that is the door you use to figure the wealth corner of your house. If you have multiple levels use the main level of your home.
• How to find it: Imagine you are standing at your front door looking into your house. From the main entrance looking into your house the farthest left corner of your house is the wealth corner. (See the photo below.)
• Apartments: If you live in an apartment, the front door to your apartment is considered your front door to your home. (Not the front door of the apartment building.) After all, you’re setting this up for YOUR home. Use your personal front door to your apartment.
• Bathroom: If your wealth corner is the bathroom, always keep your toilet lid shut. Yes, this is a Feng Shui thing. After all, you wouldn’t want your money going down the toilet.
• Obstacles: Even if there is something in the corner, remember it is that general location that is the wealth area of your house. It is not just the corner. Find a location in the room that the wealth corner is located in that would be more ideal for your prosperity grid, altar, whatever you decide to set up. Remember, you can always get a corner shelf that you can attach to the wall. That’s what I use.
• Still Have a Question? I recommend that you check out the website Open Spaces Feng Shui for more information.
Creating Your Abundance Check:
You can print out one of the checks that I have created for you to use, you can draw your own, or you can use one from your bank account.
• Address: In the upper left hand corner put your name and address just like you would see on a real check. • Date: Fill in the date that you are writing the check. You will want to do this on the NEW Moon. Here is a lunar calendar to help you. • Pay to the Order of… Put your full name. • "Amount" section is where you want to put an amount that is abundant but reasonable. $1,000,000.00 might be awesome, but it is not reasonable. If your monthly income is usually around $2,000 then go ahead and make your check out for $3,000. Make it an amount that you can truly visualize receiving over the next 30 days. • "For" section is where you can write “paid in full” or “limitless abundance”. Put whatever feels right to you. • "Signature" section is where you can either sign your name, write “Law of Abundance” or from the “Universe” in this section.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. I have had people tell me they prefer a different way. THAT IS OK! Do it the way that you are guided to by your intuition. This is simply what I do and what has worked for me.
After you create your abundance check you will want to sit and hold the check while you visualize that money coming into your life. See yourself paying off all of your bills with money still left in your bank account. Feel what it would feel like to do this and to have that money come into your life. The more energy and emotion you put into this the better it will work. Truly believe that this money will come to you… and it will!
Side Note: Are you curious why I picked “8888” as the check number? In Numerology 8 represents business, finances, material wealth, and success. Plus, if you turn it sideways it is the infinity symbol. We all want infinite prosperity, right? The number 4 represents the foundation on which we will build that prosperity and the stability that will attract into our lives.
Feel free to use this as an example and even download the image to use for your own prosperity check.
Reiki for Prosperity with the New Moon
Additional Search Terms: Law of Abundance
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Disclaimer:I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. — Readings are for entertainment purposes only. They are not a substitute for medical, financial or legal advice. Also remember that your future is not set in 'stone' and due to free will it can change. You have the ability to change what you do not like. These readings are based upon your future as it is at this moment in time.